I'd always been a procrastinator. A 'last minute Larry' I was called. For example when I used to get up in the morning, which is usually about 6am, i'd have my protein shake then lie back on the couch scrolling through my facebook, twitter etc..then on to youtube to see what was happening on there - letting my protein shake 'digest', or so I'd tell myself. And then i'd start my workout...well, maybe after just one more youtube video...and then another. I knew I would have to find coping mechanisms though to get me to start my morning routine. The ones I found though - well, they might sound a bit droll...but they work for me.
For my workouts I will literally roll off the couch onto my yoga matt and start doing my stretches. As soon as that first stretch is done then 'click' i'm on my way. Stretches, abs, bends, pull ups, then onto my weights. It's the same as when i would sit down at the easel to paint. I could be there for ages just looking at the piece in front of me, and it's was only when I made that first brush stroke of the day that I got into the 'zone'. So now I daub a mark on the canvas straight away - doesn't matter where it lands - front, back or side - plus it can always be painted over. After that, time flies, brushes daub, tea is drunk, and before I realise, it's time for dinner. Love to know how other folks deal with procrastination, feel free to add your own strategies in the comments below. Have a creative day and speak soon, Davy
Another Time Perhaps
2/6/2017 11:34:15 am
I'll tell you later Comments are closed.
Whit's he up tae noo?The blog posts of David Brodie, a Scottish artist based near Glasgow. Archives
October 2018