Spirit Of Dark And Lonely Water!Todays "August Pot Luck!" theme is 'something that scared you as a child!' I never had to think hard for this one. When I was growing up in the 1970's and 80's, if we weren't worrying about the threat of nuclear war, then we were getting the bejeezus scared out of us by Public Information films, designed to keep us children out of danger. The gentleman in the above picture is the "Spirit of Dark And Lonely Water". He's from a Public Information Film that used to be screened from 1973 onwards. The film showed children getting into trouble in and around British waterways. The voiceover was done by the actor Donald Pleasance and had a truly eerie tone to it. It's a wonder all us kids of the 1970's and 1980's aren't traumatised by these little films. Here's a link to "The Spirit Of Dark And Lonely Water" on Youtube. Hope you sleep well...and i'll see ye tomorra!
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Whit's he up tae noo?The blog posts of David Brodie, a Scottish artist based near Glasgow. Archives
October 2018