I remember laughing when my friend said that their house was looking a bit 'washed in with the tide', and that I wasn't to 'mind the mess'
Of course to me it looked fine and dandy, and like someone was living there. I chuckled again the other day remembering the comment, as I know my website was looking a bit 'washed in with the tide' itself. A bit more Leonardo's workshop than Rietveld Schroder's 'Utrecht' house (see my MA Hons in Art History hasn't gone totally to waste), but I digress. Anyway, the website is slowly coming together. I've added a page where you can see my recent paintings. The plan is to delve deeper into each piece and explain the inspiration behind them. In the meantime there's a link to my Etsy shop where i'm selling limited edition prints of my paintings, and also open editions of some other pieces. The poor Etsy shop had lain practically empty until January 2018, but at last it's getting a little 'love and attention'. Glad to say I made my first sale on it last week...huzzah! Here's the link, if you'd like to buy some contemporary art from me. Comments are closed.
Whit's he up tae noo?The blog posts of David Brodie, a Scottish artist based near Glasgow. Archives
October 2018